Program Origametria - stosowanie origami w nauczaniu geometrii jest programem opracowanym przez prezes Izraelskiego Centrum Origami Miri Golan i artystę origami Paula Jacksona. O programie zostal nakręcony 8-minutowy film. Premiera filmu odbyła się podczas konferencji 4th Origami Science, Math and Education, która odbyła się w Caltech (The California Institute of Technology) w Pasadenie (California, USA, 8-10 September 2006), gdzie Miri Golan była gościem specjalnym i prezentowała założenia programu Origametria.
Origametria—Using Origami as a Tool to Teach Geometry is an 8-minute film that introduces a teaching program run by the Israeli Origami Center (IOC). Each week throughout the school year, 10,000 children in 70 schools study 'Origametria', taught by 40 specially trained teachers. The film features interviews with School Principals and with teachers of math in schools that use the 'Origametria' program, and includes much footage of 'Origametria' in the classroom.
It was filmed during February 2006 in schools in East and West Jerusalem, and in several towns around Israel. The program was developed by Miri Golan (Founder and Director of the IOC) and Paul Jackson (origami artist). This short film was premiered at the 4th Origami Science, Math and Education conference held at Caltech (The California Institute of Technology), Pasadena, California, USA, 8-10 September 2006, at which Miri was a guest plenary speaker, speaking about the 'Origametria' program.
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Artykuł "The Art of Origami as a Means to Improve Geometric Understanding" Miri Golan (4th OSME)