Paper Structures


Twirls + Origami




 by Krystyna Burczyk


But he just went on folding, folding, and folding, stuck to his paper — an act of sheer triviality — yet incredibly powerful.

Based on "Ferdydurke" by Witold Gombrowicz and the translation by Danuta Borchardt
I need help - Polish version is deeper.

W roku 1999  Herman van Goubergen zaproponował nowatorską metodę łączenia papierowych modułów - spirale zaplecione w wiry. Pomysł Hermana był genialnie prosty, a zastosowanie takich połączeń w modułowych modelach origami wyzwoliło zupełnie nowe spojrzenie na projektowanie modeli origami.

In 1999 Herman van Goubergen designed a technic of joining paper modules - spirals joined together as a vortex. Since then this technic has been developed and now there are hundreds of models using spirals and vortices.

Twirls 2016

Twirls 2012

Twirls 2008

Twirls 2015

Twirls 2011

Twirls 2007

Twirls 2014

Twirls 2010

Twirls 2013

Twirls 2009