Uczyłeś się w szkole matematyki?! Możesz tę wiedzę wreszcie wykorzystać!!!

If you are a traveller you enjoy visiting our beautiful city Krakow, where the new meet the old. It is really worth visiting.

If you are an origami artist you discuss with us, fold with us, show us your artworks, talk about your ideas.

If you are an origami designer you  participate in our exhibition, you  take a part in our design projects, you find inspiration, you may send us your diagram.

If you are a beginner you enjoy our exhibition, you fold a simple models with us, specially during free-folding sessions.

If you are a folder we fold together, you show us models folded by you and start your own design.

If you are a teacher you meet the other teachers really keen on folding paper.

If you are crazy about origami this convention is for you! bring your works to Krakow and show them us!