But he just went on folding, folding, and folding, stuck to his paper — an act of sheer triviality — yet incredibly powerful.

Based on "Ferdydurke" by Witold Gombrowicz and the translation by Danuta Borchardt
I need help - Polish version is deeper.

Pierścienie są dziwnymi wielościanami. Nie spełniają np. wzoru Eulera (przynajmniej w wersji uczonej w szkole: ściany + wierzchołki - krawędzie = 2)
Ring is a strange polyhedron. I has a hole. It does not hold an Euler equation (at least in the form you learned at school: faces + vertex - edges = 2).


Powyższe modele zostały zrobione z modułu krawędziowego Tomoko Fuse (open frame 2)
Above models are built from Tomoko Fuse's edge units (open frame 2).

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